How does the Fjord 2.0 wetsuit differ from the Fjord 1.0 wetsuit?
The Fjord 1.0 wetsuit revolutionized what a wetsuit could be. For the first time a wetsuit that was the most flexible wetsuit on the market also h...
WeiterlesenBy: Laura Siddall It’s that long car journey as a kid, when the holiday destination just never seem to arrive and was so far away. I think we had ...
Weiterlesendeboer wetsuits is proud to announce its partnership with Skye Moench. In 2019 Moench staked her claim as one of the top long course triathletes in...
Weiterlesendeboer wetsuits is thrilled to announce a multi-year partnership with Kristian Blummenfelt. At only 26 years-old Blummenfelt has already set the Ir...
WeiterlesenFor athletes that aspire to push the boundaries of what’s possible, we are excited to introduce the Ocean 1.0 on 10.17.20. The Ocean 1.0 wetsuit...
WeiterlesenLaura Siddall recently shared her experience swimming and racing a deboer wetsuit with Neuff Red. Below is a excerpt of what Sid had to say: How d...
Weiterlesendeboer wetsuits is very excited to announce a partnership with Lars Bottelier. Bottelier is an elite long distance open water swimmer with an aim o...
WeiterlesenIronman Lake Placid (IMLP) is one of the oldest and most iconic courses on the Ironman circuit. Swim 2 loop swim course with a beach start and an ...
WeiterlesenIronman Mont-Tremblant (IMMT) in Quebec, Canada, is known around the Ironman circuit for having among the best race experiences of any race outside...
WeiterlesenWith racing on hold around the world, and no clear timeline on when triathlons will return, we checked in with some of our deboer Team athletes to...
WeiterlesenWith racing on hold around the world, and no clear timeline on when triathlons will return, we checked in with some of our deboer Team athletes to...
WeiterlesenWith racing on hold around the world, and no clear timeline on when triathlons will return, we checked in with some of our deboer Team athletes ...
WeiterlesenWith racing on hold around the world, and no clear timeline on when triathlons will return, we checked in with some of our deboer Team athletes ...