Andre Lopez . Ben Kanute . Braden Currie . Bradley Weiss . Chelsea Bingham . Chloe Lane . Chris Perham . Diede Diederiks . Fabian Meeusen . Filipe Azevedo . Flora Colledge . Gustav Iden . Girona Triathlon Academy . Jason Pohl . Jeanni Metzler . Joe Skipper . John Reed . Justin Metzler . Kenneth Vandendriessche . Kristian Blummefelt . Lars Lomholt . Lionel Morales Gonzalez . Lottie Lucas . Luciano Taccone . Maca Salazar . Marlene deBoer . Matthew Marquart . Matt Ralphs . Menno Koolhaas . Michelle Vesterby . Mike Phillips . Nathan Dortmann . Rachel Olsen . Rasmus Svennigsson . Read Ziegler . Rico Bowen . Shannon Kelly . Maca Salazar . Trista Olij . William Mennesson . Rico Bogen


From October 1st to December 1st, deboer is opening applications for our prestigious team - an elite group that unites professional triathletes and dedicated amateurs under one banner. This is the only opportunity for athletes seeking sponsorship from deboer to apply. If you possess the unwavering drive, passion, and ambition to compete alongside the sport's biggest names, this is your chance to join the deboer family.

at deboer we've been super lucky that so many of today's best athletes are loving our suits. incredible performance, cutting edge technology, comfort, fit, and a kickass look - these are the reasons that these athletes have gravitated to our products.

we are proud to support these athletes and all the other athletes who put in the work everyday to be their best.